Sunday, November 24, 2013

"Endless Waves across a Wilderness Sea"

"Endless Waves across a Wilderness Sea"

Standing on a mountain summit in the wilderness offers a perspective of the world that strips away the mundane, replaced with grandeur emphasized by a view to every horizon unmarred by the human hand. This is one of those rare instances that I could capture this sense in an image. The mist cloaking the valleys provided a perfect background highlighting the shape of peak after peak. The dark foreground draws one across the image where the eye is released to enjoy what seems an endless variety of shadows and silhouettes. 

Please feel free to comment on your impression of this photograph, and I will look forward to reading and responding to your thoughts. Dave 


  1. David
    It is a wonderful photograph and picture with a great title and discription.
    I like it very much.


  2. Nice, Dave, very nice.
    Depth and contrast - it really looks 'endless'. Evokes a feeling of contentment.

    Thanks for always sharing.

